Thursday, October 26, 2006

how will the wolf survive?

Fun Facts and Activities
New 700 Mile Mexican Border Fence Edition!

Math Fun!
Q: If you own a car that can drive at 350 mph, how long will it take you to cross the fence?

A: About 30 minutes if you tunnel under it; approx. 2 minutes if you climb over it. Neither of these would involve your car. (It would take you two hours to drive the length of the fence.)
Q: If the security wall weighs one ton for every ten square feet, how much heavier will the Earth be when it is completed?

A: 369,600 tons, but only if the wall is constructed of lunar concrete and meteorite rebar, as called for in the original design.
Good fences make good neighbors?
Did you know that Robert Frost's famous line from "Mending Walls" was intended to be ironic? He actually believed that fences created bad relationships between neighbors, just as he believed that taking the road less travelled made little to no difference.

History Hoopla!

This is not the first such border in history. The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, and the New Orleans levees are some other great public works projects built to keep out unwanted intruders. Can you name more?

Can you guess which of these is not the name of a rock band?
-700 Miles of Fence
-30 Odd Foot of Grunts
-10,000 Maniacs

Try repeating this spicy racist tongue twister three times fast, if you're not too busy taking a siesta:
"Mexican wrecks of men oversexed Texan friends; cross rivers, bras quiver, Chorizo sausage," Juan said.

Lost In Translation!
Unscramble these British terms to reveal a single border-related phrase:

007 limes offence

(Answer: 700 miles of fence)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

a college breakfast party

Coaltion to Stop the War in Iraq
******** College Chapter
2nd meeting , 1st semester
(October 5, 2006 - 10:30 am Brennan Lounge)

Harper, Leon, Ocean, Michael, Micheal, Colin, Theresa, "Names are a form of oppression"

Old business:
Reading of last week's minutes
  • "Names are a form of oppression" asked that her name be removed from last week's minutes. Leon suggested that, at the time, "Names are a form of oppression" was known as Vanessa, so the minutes should accurately reflect that. Ocean added that it would be "like a Stalinist purge" to rewrite history in this manner. Micheal argued that the term "Stalinist purge" is overused by people who "totally don't get it" and asked if Ocean had even read "Das Kapital," because Ocean "totally did this summer." Micheal answered that "Das Kapital" was by Karl Marx, and Ocean should "get his facts straight." Ocean angrily asked "you won't be happy til everyone's straight, will you." Michael noticed that the secretary had written "Michael" instead of "Micheal" when recording the dialogue about Stalin and asked for the minutes to be corrected. "Names are a form of oppression" pointed out that this is why names are a form of oppression.

New business:

  • Colin suggest a sit-in to bring attention to the ongoing war in Iraq. Theresa agreed with the idea and added "that will teach those pro-war scum." Michael asked if there actually were any pro-war people on campus. A brief silence ensued.
  • Theresa asked if anyone had heard about Mark Foley. "Names are a form of oppression" said she had not. Harper gave a brief timeline of the scandal. Micheal said a guy who lived on her hall had been a page in high school. According to Micheal, the guy said he had never been the target of unwanted advances, adding, "but still."
  • Leon discussed last night's episode of "Lost." Harper asked if Leon could send him an MPG of it. Leon agreed.
  • Michael asked if anyone was planning to read Bob Woodward's State of Denial. Colin said he saw Woodward on "Larry King Live" last week and "he looked nothing like Roger Redford." Leon suggested that Colin meant "Robert Redford." "Names are a form of oppression" asked why it mattered since everybody knew who we were talking about. Ocean asked what "Roger or Robert Redford or whatever did anyway? Has anyone like even seen one of his movies?" Michael said he watched half of The Sting once.
  • "Names are a form of oppression" asked to have a vote about whether we could change her name in the minutes of last week's meeting. Leon said the minutes had already been approved, and that this was the new business section of the meeting. "Names are a form of oppression" demanded a vote on whether we could revisit the minutes from last week.
  • Vote On Motion To Determine Whether Minutes Should Be Revised: 6-2 against.
  • "Democracy is a form of oppression" announced that she has changed her name from "Names are a form of oppression."
  • Leon said he is from Pennsylvania and "that Amish school shooting is really [expletive] up." Furthermore, he suggested a bake sale to raise money for the victims' families.
  • Vote On Motion To Hold Fundraising Bake Sale for the Amish: 7 in favor, 1 abstention.
  • Ocean volunteered to head up a steering committee on the Bake Sale and report back at next week's meeting.
Harper adjourns meeting at 11:17 am.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

daniel deronda

In which Mark Foley and George Allen believe each other to be 16-year-old boys in an online chatroom for Congressional pages.

Maf54 has entered the chat at 1:15:36 PM.

Maf54: where is everyone?
Nonjew27: dont know
Nonjew27: just me here
Nonjew27: probably black dude scared everyone away LOL
Maf54: what
Nonjew27: you know =)
Maf54: just came from the gym
Maf54: i'm all sweaty
Maf54: about to shower
Nonjew27: you have white skin, right?
Maf54: yes
Nonjew27: good
Maf54: now you know about my skin
Maf54: tell me what your skin feels like
Nonjew27: not sure what u mean
Nonjew27: feels like every other non-Jewish person's skin, i guess
Maf54: thats good. i like that.
Maf54: tell me about your package
Maf54: how big is it
Nonjew27: its regular size
Nonjew27: certainly not cut like it would be if i were Jewish, since i'm not
Maf54: tell me what you're doing
Nonjew27: im eating a sandwich. ham and cheese.
Nonjew27: i'm totally not a Jew...
Nonjew27: so i dont mind mixing meat and dairy products
Nonjew27: even though thats not kosher
Maf54: maybe you should come over and eat my sausage and cream
Nonjew27: not sure what you mean
Maf54: let's talk dirty
Nonjew27: like use the 'n' word?
Nonjew27: cool
Nonjew27: i'll start...
Maf54: no, i meant
Maf54: sexy talk dirty
Nonjew27: oh
Nonjew27: not so into that
Maf54: oh

Nonjew27 has exited the chat at 1:21:02 PM